What is the best hoof boot for my horse? This question has to be one of the most frequently asked by the barefoot horse owner. We pride ourselves on providing the best hoof boot option on the market and we advocate that the best hoof boot will always be the one that fits the best. We understand that some of you provide other hoof boot brands to your customers and we appreciate that they have many options open to them and can find the perfect hoof boot for their horse
We are thrilled to see more horses being fitted for Scoot Enduros who previously were unsuitable for Scoot Boots that are now receiving all the benefits that Scoots provide.
Promoting Scoot Enduros
Rob Featonby has been out in the Victorian High Country filming the Enduros being put through its paces. We have all enjoyed Rob’s photography over the years and are thrilled to see his creativity branching out into videography! Get Rob’s latest videos and share them on your social media or website.
FEI Show Jumping approval
Great news! Scoot Boots are now approved by FEI as a shoe substitute for Show Jumping. We know many of you and your customers have been pushing to see this change.
Scoot Boots are currently being used by many top-ranked FEI Show Jumpers:
Peder Fredricson Henrik von Eckermann Julien Anquetin Maya Denis Rik Nauta Pieter Devos Olivier Philippaerts Martin Fuchs Katriin Kalle Elizaveta Minina The list grows every day!
Swedish Barefoot Study findings
New Swedish research on the difference between shod horse hooves and barefoot hooves has finally concluded:
Barefoot hooves can move 50% more than hooves that are shod with traditional horseshoes.
That, and other findings from the study, helps to explain why horses can improve their performance by going barefoot.